Figure 1 gives a sample session from this multiple view prototype. A physician wants to know clinical implications of the "breast cancer gene" he has been hearing about. He first navigates through the MeSH tree at top right, discovering that the terms are very broad (note that "breast cancer" does not appear as a term). He then uses the more specific term suggestion available in the concept space for the cancer collection. In the concept space, he can actually enter "breast cancer gene" (top left) and is presented with related authors, title phrases, abstract phrases, and subject descriptors (far left) as well as other related keywords in context (far right).
Discovering that "BRCA1 gene" is probably the term he is looking for, he simply drags the title phrase "BRCA1 gene" into the search document in the middle and the focused search is automatically performed. He then clicks on an article of interest, which opens the CancerLit abstract for review at bottom right for further search clues. He is satisfied to find published literature specifically focused on the "breast cancer gene" and rapidly obtains the desired clinical implications to breast and ovarian cancer, even though he did not perform a search using the words "breast" or "cancer". Using a concept space to move from general subject topics to specific search terms, particularly names, is a practical unique advantage of the Interspace.